
Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
HSG114: Gen Con Online 2020 Wrap Up
Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
Dave and Rich along with the rest of the HSG community had a lot of fun at the first-ever Gen Con online. We go through some of the obvious differences with Gen Con being fully virtual and talk about some of the surprising aspects. Well, surprising to us. For instance, most of the players in our games were 1st time Gen Con attendees, they expected to be in contact with the GMs weeks in advance and seemed to want to keep playing games with us after the convention. Which... is so bazaar when you think about how normal conventions go. Virtual conventions seem to be an excellent place to find new people for your discord as HSG and several of our community members ran games in HSG's discord and pulled players to their own discords.
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Other places you can connect with the HSG Squad:
Facebook @High Shelf Gaming Podcast
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Twitch /highshelfgaming
Discord Chat https://discord.gg/tMPCXgN

Monday Sep 14, 2020
HSG113: Losing Player Characters - it isn't all bad
Monday Sep 14, 2020
Monday Sep 14, 2020
Rich and David are joined by Kratrina to talk all about player character death in tabletop RPGs. It can be fun, it can be devastating, and there are a few tips we've learned along the way to navigate those deep waters.
Kratrina has been on the show in the past covering several topics and she plays in many of our streamed Actual Plays
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Other places you can connect with the HSG Squad:
Facebook @High Shelf Gaming Podcast
Twitter @highshelfgaming
Twitch /highshelfgaming
Discord Chat https://discord.gg/tMPCXgN

Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
HSG112: Gen Con Survival Guide: Gen Con Online
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Gen Con Online is fast approaching at the end of July 2020 and there's a lot of learning we all have to do. Effectively this is a First-Year online convention. To help us navigate these waters we brought on two folks from Gen Con. Derek is the Sr. Event and Program Manager at Gen Con and Dominic is the Event Coordinator for Gen Con.
They join us during the run-up to Gen Con Online to help us all understand what the convention will be like this year and talk about what we can all do to get the most out of it.
A few more helpful links when considering Gen Con Online:
Links for hosts:
YouTube and Twitch
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Other places you can connect with the HSG Squad:
Facebook @High Shelf Gaming Podcast
Twitter @highshelfgaming
Twitch /highshelfgaming
Discord Chat https://discord.gg/tMPCXgN

Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
HSG111: Remote Gaming during "All This"
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
High Shelf Gaming has always been a remote gaming community. We have sprinkled information over the years about the tools we use for board games and roleplaying games but this episode puts it all into one place for your convenience during Covid-19 or novel coronavirus. This is unpresidented time. If you are sheltering in place or practicing social distancing - Thank you! you are a part of a global movement to help everyone in your community. Never has all of humanity done something like this on such a scale. Bravo.
Organization tools:
Video Chat
Facebook Messenger
Google Hangouts
WebEx (free for up to 100 participants)
Boardgames over the web
Tabletop Simulator
Roleplaying game Virtual Tables
Tabletop Simulator
Fantasy Grounds
D&D Beyond
Play by Post guide
BASILISK STATION - A Traveller Blog (Example Play by Post game)
Cyberpunk 2020/Red fans (Discord Server)
DMs Guild.com for solo adventures
Tunnels and Trolls
Legend Keeper
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Other places you can connect with the HSG Squad:
Facebook @High Shelf Gaming Podcast
Twitter @highshelfgaming
Twitch /highshelfgaming
Discord Chat https://discord.gg/tMPCXgN

Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
HSG110: Knights of the Shadow Realm an Epic DnD Module
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
High Shelf Gaming brings on Zac and David to talk about their new Kickstarter 'Knights of the Shadow Realm' which is a gigantic D&D module bringing characters from 1st to 20th level with a big story all along the way. David ran this game for his friend group and is turning the adventure into this module for you and your friends to play. It comes with the main quest and a living world of interwoven plot-hooks that change as the world progresses around the player characters.
We also take a moment to talk about Zac's D&D supplement which includes a TON of material for oceanic games, monsters, subraces, and lore all available for the GM wanting to take on the high seas.
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Other places you can connect with the HSG Squad:
Facebook @High Shelf Gaming Podcast
Twitter @highshelfgaming
Twitch /highshelfgaming
Discord Chat https://discord.gg/tMPCXgN

Thursday Mar 05, 2020
HSG109: Gen Con Survival Guide: History
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
We are so fortunate Randall Porter reached out asking to come on and dive deep into Gen Con's history. The stories he shares are mind-boggling. From remote-controlled robots poaching customers from other booths to folks sleeping in parking lots in early Gen Con days. We get a strong sense of how Gen Con worked under TSR, WOTC, and now as an independent entity. We even get a bit of a glimpse into the rift between Gen Con, Origins, and how they mended fences.
Randy is an excellent guest and brought a wealth of information to the show.
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iTunes Google Spotify Stitcher
Other places you can connect with the HSG Squad:
Facebook @High Shelf Gaming Podcast
Twitter @highshelfgaming
Twitch /highshelfgaming
Discord Chat https://discord.gg/tMPCXgN

Friday Feb 28, 2020
HSG108: PAX South 2020 Wrap-Up
Friday Feb 28, 2020
Friday Feb 28, 2020
Scott has been a fixture in the high shelf gaming community for over a year now, and he runs the RPG Zone at Pax South! This year we had the opportunity to partner with him to get some signage up, boost the RPG turnout at Pax South and provide a ton of giveaways from R. Talsorian Games, and Hot Springs Island! RPGs at Pax South grew a ton this year and are poised to go even bigger in 2021. We are so excited to be invited on this ride and hear some great insights on how PAX South differs from other PAX conventions.
Also, there was a San Antonio Spurs (basketball) game going on...
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Other places you can connect with the HSG Squad:
Facebook @High Shelf Gaming Podcast
Twitter @highshelfgaming
Twitch /highshelfgaming
Discord Chat https://discord.gg/tMPCXgN

Monday Feb 17, 2020
HSG107: Terranary RPG
Monday Feb 17, 2020
Monday Feb 17, 2020
Getting all the way back to our roots in RPG gaming with games that launch as zines (small magazines from people self-publishing) Rich and I welcome Patch on to the show who is making Terranary RPG and releasing it on Kickstarter as part of Zine Quest 2! This RPG sounds so interesting to us. It uses a dice system I don’t think either of us has heard about, or even anything similar.
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Other places you can connect with the HSG Squad:
Facebook @High Shelf Gaming Podcast
Twitter @highshelfgaming
Twitch /highshelfgaming
Discord Chat https://discord.gg/tMPCXgN

Saturday Feb 08, 2020
HSG106: Gen Con Survival Guide: PAX vs Gen Con Q&A
Saturday Feb 08, 2020
Saturday Feb 08, 2020
Riley from Pactless Patrons is a seasoned PAX conventions attendee and volunteer. They have attended 15 PAXi over the years but have never been to any other conventions. Rich and Dave field questions and dish out advice to let Riley know what they're in for. We cover a lot of topics comparing the two styles of conventions: the scope of Gen Con, the Enforcers at Pax vs Gen Con Staff, and how subtle differences create very different experiences. We also get into Gen Con's event pricing and how the assumptions Gen Con makes are very different than the assumptions PAX makes.
Riley is an excellent guest and a real pleasure to engage with and they share so much knowledge about PAX. I think we all learned a lot from each other. We hope to have them back on after Gen Con to get their thoughts and impressions.
Riley [they/them] is on twitter: @RileyGryc
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Other places you can connect with the HSG Squad:
Facebook @High Shelf Gaming Podcast
Twitter @highshelfgaming
Twitch /highshelfgaming
Discord Chat https://discord.gg/tMPCXgN

Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
HSG105: Oceans by North Star Games with Bruce Voge
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
We had the pleasure to bring on Bruce Voge from North Star Games to talk about their latest board game, Oceans which is expected to hit stores March 23rd, 2020! Oceans is a thematic update to their popular game, Evolution, and Evolution: Climate which we reviewed not too long ago. It's important to understand that Oceans is not an expansion but a standalone game which uses some of the same concepts, in a new context and has some very important changes to the rules which make for a game with more 'come from behind' possibilities than were readily available in Evolution.
This episode is a different format than we normally use. Rich and I start things off then hand it over to the interview which plays uninterrupted. We always love your feedback, let us know if this format is pleasant to listen to.
To catch up with Bruce and his podcast find him at these places
Personal Twitter: @brucecothinks
Podcast: @partygamecast
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Other places you can connect with the HSG Squad:
Facebook @High Shelf Gaming Podcast
Twitter @highshelfgaming
Twitch /highshelfgaming
Discord Chat https://discord.gg/tMPCXgN