
Sunday Nov 10, 2019
HSG94: Mordheim Skirmish game by Games Workshop
Sunday Nov 10, 2019
Sunday Nov 10, 2019
Mordheim is one of those games that is easily overlooked by the core audience of the Games Workshop fanbase but immediately appeals to folks that like to sprinkle in a little bit of role play with their board game. Diana from Femsplaind Podcast and Femnpc joins us to talk all about this print and play skirmish game. Such a fun conversation about the game, and how to hack it for roleplaying and just greatness all around.
Diana also runs gaming for a convention: COGS up in the tri-state area and she's always doing projects on twitter and elsewhere. Definitely someone worth following.
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Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
HSG93: Settlers of Catan
Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
Our favorite board-game guest, Shara, returns! This time we’re talking about a game older than some of our listeners, but still incredible and worth a few hundred playthroughs - Settlers of Catan! It has many editions and expansions. We talk about the original three expansions: Traders & Barbarians, Cities and Knights, and Seafarers of Catan. There are still national and international tournaments for this fantastic game, which should speak to its greatness in the board gaming scene. Lastly, we cover a bit about Star Trek Catan and our hot take on A Game of Thrones Catan for good measure.
Sadly, the bit about a Settlers of Catan movie got cut. Here's the IMDB link if you want more info, but it looks like a dead project.
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Thursday Oct 10, 2019
HSG92: World Building with LegendKeeper's Creator Braden
Thursday Oct 10, 2019
Thursday Oct 10, 2019
David and Rich are joined by Braden, creator of LegendKeeper, a world-building and campaign tracking tool. It's a unique approach to blending maps, points of interest and auto-linking wiki articles is an excellent way to build out a world for an RPG or novel. It really sings when you use it to quickly recall any information during a game. We use it here to track HSG hosted games and, even though it is in beta, the feature set is growing rapidly and is already quite useful.
You can find Legendkeeper in these places:
Patreon - go here to get your account, costs $5 one time.
Twitter @legendkeeperapp
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Monday Sep 30, 2019
Monday Sep 30, 2019
Rob from The Table is Yours podcast returns in our continuing series on RPG storytelling. This week we tackle the dreaded MetaGaming! Scourge of all RPGs? Well... it's not so simple. Many GMs and gamers hate when a player character acts on information and knowledge their character couldn't possibly possess. But, we permit many other forms of MetaGaming and MetaKnowledge, such as rewarding good roleplay at the table!
We dissect this topic from multiple angles and include tools and frameworks to use MetaKnowledge and MetaGaming in ways that aid the game. Hint: character success is often not the right way to use MetaKnowledge!
We'd love your feedback on this episode be sure to join the discussion with one of the many links below.
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Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
HSG90: Evolution: Climate Board Game
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Our friend Elise returns to talk about a favorite board game, Evolution: Climate by North Star Games! Elise was on HSG:11 Women in Gaming episode many moons ago when she actually recommended Evolution to us. This game is cute, educational, competitive, and with the Climate rules, it really shines as a game. Elise also teaches Rich some colorful ways to describe cats.
You can see Elise's nerd comics on Insta @the_minstrel_cycle
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Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
HSG89: White Wolf's Vampire: The Masquerade
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
David has wanted to talk about this tabletop roleplaying game since day one of HSG. Finally, our friend Mike from Gen Con is free to revel in a shared love for White Wolf Entertainment, the World of Darkness, and Vampire: The Masquerade. Yes, David was once a little goth kid trying to figure things out. The products from White Wolf shaped his early role-playing experiences and shaped him into the kind of game master, dungeon master, and storyteller he is today. Mike similarly was brought up with White Wolf products and shares his passion for the franchise, and what it means to him to get to play this game.
We run through the Vampire editions, talk a bit about 5th edition Vampire, and the hunger dice mechanics. Mostly, we focus on the original Masquerade product, White Wolf's history and how it was run through the wringer at CCP Games. Its time at CCP set White Wolf up to struggle after its sale to Paradox Interactive, and how the creation of new White Wolf RPG content really falls to Modiphious.
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Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
HSG88: Pathfinder 2e with Logan Bonner
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Logan Bonner from Paizo joins us to talk about the game, the book, the journey, and the lessons learned in the creation of Pathfinder Second Edition! We are so fortunate to have him on the show. Logan really let us look at how this project came together, dive into some of the thought processes behind 2nd Edition pathfinder, how it compares to other tabletop RPGs, and to first edition. Rich and Dave have enjoyed getting to beta test PF2e in past episodes but this really takes the cake.
Pathfinder Second Edition continues the theme of high fantasy, high action roleplaying they're known for, but with some seismic shifts to how the game delivers that style of play to players. Paizo has often focused on player choices and character customization, but in our reading of PF2e they've gone the extra step to make a system that is fundamentally customizable for the game master. Everywhere we looked we found rulesets we liked that could be easily transformed or dropped without breaking the rest of the game. Logan helps us navigate some of those waters.
Great, enjoyable, and informative episode for folks who aren't already fully versed on all things Pathfinder and Paizo.
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Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
HSG87: RPG Storytelling Part 1: The Modern Campfire
Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
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Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
HSG86: Megagames at Gen Con 2019
Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
Mark joins us from the Shelfie community to talk about a truly unique gaming experience at Gen Con, Megagames! These are 50-70 person games that took place at Lucas Oil Stadium, on the field. They are asymmetric games. Lots of players are doing different things and their actions influence the game for other groups and individuals in the most engaging and fascinating way we've ever heard. Mark clearly loved it as he played and helped run several games this year. Impressive, given this was his first time at Gen Con and his first time playing a megagame. These tend to be longer games, at four hours or more, and run in the tens of dollars to play. But, to hear Mark tell it, they're also dynamic and interesting. Apparently, megagames are huge in Europe as well, so lots of opportunities to play these games.
Another great episode from our community!
If any other Shelfie ever wants to come on the show do what Mark just did. Find us on social media and tell us about and an awesome game you played!
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Monday Aug 19, 2019
HSG85: Cyberpunk Red with JonJon the Wise
Monday Aug 19, 2019
Monday Aug 19, 2019
We are so excited to get to talk about Cyberpunk Red, the new tabletop RPG from R. Talsorian Games! well... it's more of a starter kit but still, plenty to work with. JonJontheWise joins us from the Cyberpunk youtube and podcast community, he has a huge wealth of information about the old and new rules. Mostly this episode is David and JonJon geeking out with Rich hanging on for dear life!
We go over system updates, lore updates, our thoughts around the game license and what we're hoping to see in the future along with the huge wave of projects we have attached to this effort.
A blurb about HSG's upcoming Cyberpunk Red campaign is available here. It did not make the final cut of the episode.
Here are JonJon's bonafides:
Youtube channel | Twitch | Twitter | Podcast
and he does a show with his wife "The Wise and Sassy podcast"
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